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St. Francis Catholic Primary School

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“If you hear a voice within you saying, ‘You are not a painter,’ then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.” - Vincent Van Gogh


We want all of our children to be excited by Art and Design and to be fully committed to the task of creating art work of their own which shows passion, effort and skill. We want them to have a real sense of achievement and delight that they can create their own masterpieces and are proud to showcase their work. We want our children to experience and be inspired by the work of artists and their ideas. We want them to explore others’ ideas and make them their own. Our children will be taught the skills of an artist and be given every opportunity to practise and refine these skills using a wide variety of tools and media.


At St Francis, the teaching and implementation of Art and Design is based on the National Curriculum. Themes for each year’s Art and Design curriculum are linked to other topics in the Long Term Plan. To ensure that we are able to offer a broad and balanced curriculum we also plan for the acquisition of a wide range of skills, matching skills to themes and artists.

Throughout KS1 and KS2 the children learn about the work of famous artists, male and female, classic and modern; they learn to replicate the techniques of famous artists and use them as inspiration for creating their own original pieces. In their acquisition of skills the children are taught how to master techniques in painting, collage, sculpture, drawing, print and textiles within a supportive framework. The framework we use sets a clear progression between key stages (KS1, LKS2 and UKS2).

A specialist art teacher works with each year group on a weekly basis for two half-terms during the school year. Time with a specialist teacher is in addition the Art and Design curriculum delivered by all class teachers. Aside from curriculum time other opportunities for children to showcase their own ideas are offered in the form of competitions, district wide and within the Catholic School Partnership.

Children in Foundation Stage follow the EYFS curriculum. A mixture of focused and independent creative activities arise from planning around themes and also from the children’s own imagination and interests. Children have access to expertise, tools and other resources in the Creative Area during provision time on a daily basis. Children are assessed within the ‘Expressive arts and design: Exploring and using media and materials’ area of learning and development.


Children enjoy and appreciate art and design.

In each key stage they acquire knowledge of great artists, craft makers and designers. They offer opinions on works of art created by others. They are motivated and confident in recreating and investigating artistic styles and techniques that they have seen. They can speak confidently (using technical language) about the skills and processes involved in creating their own works of art.

The majority of our children will succeed, to the expected standard, in their mastery of skills by the end of each key stage and then find themselves challenged again to improve on their performance as they continue to move through school.

In EYFS progress is tracked through observations and videos and assessment levels are updated termly in accordance with the school’s monitoring and assessment calendar. As with KS1 and KS2, the majority of our children will succeed and leave Foundation Stage having achieved their Early Learning Goals.

art and design skills progression map.pdf
