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St. Francis Catholic Primary School

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Catholic Life

Find our detailed Liturgical calendar for 2022/23 here.

All welcome to join us for Mass both at church and in school.

Spring Term Class Masses

Please join us if you can.

Year 3 - 8th February

Year 4 - 1st February

Year 5 - 25th January

Year 6 - 18th January

Advent Mass - Dec 2022

Our wonderful Advent Mass saw children from Year 2 to 6 read beautifully, some fantastic singing from everyone and based on our Advent theme - hope for everyone - we placed our hopes in the manger ready to welcome Jesus to the world.

Advent Mass - Dec 2022

 Mini Vinnie Christmas Cafe - Dec 2022

Following the success of the cafe in October, the Mini Vinnies hosted a special Christmas version. A great school and parish event for the Mini Vinnies and the Big Mini Vinnies to host. 

Advent Penitential and Saying Sorry Services - Nov 2022

As we prepare our hearts for the birth of our Lord, we came together to say sorry to God in our penitential services followed by confession.

Advent 2022

This year's theme was Hope for Everyone. We had daily prayers as a community at 8.30am and collected donations for young mums who are struggling as part of the ‘A Baby is Born - Gianna Project’.

Our First Family Mass - Christ the King

We celebrated the Feast of Christ the King today with our very first Family Mass in church. Our Year 3, 4 and 5 children chose the hymns, led the readings and did a beautiful Communion reflection. Great to see home-school-parish all joining together.

Remembrance Day - Nov 2022

Some of our Mini Vinnies joined others at Undercliffe Cemetery to mark Armistice Day while the rest of the school marked it in school with the 2 minute silence.

Remembrance Day - Nov 2022


Mini Vinnie Café - Oct 2022

Mini Vinnie Caf￿ Oct 2022

Harvest Worship led by the Mini Vinnies - Oct 2022

The Mini Vinnies did a wonderful job of leading worship, speaking with confidence and delivering a very important message of how we should be grateful for all we have. The whole school contributed much needed donations for the Bradford North Foodbank.

Harvest Worship led by the Mini Vinnies - Oct 2022

St Francis Feast Day Mass 2022

We celebrated a wonderful Feast day Mass in school. It was a very uplifting and joyous Mass in honour of our Patron Saint, St Francis. Year 5 led us in a beautiful communion reflection. We were delighted to be joined by so many parents/carers and Parishioners.

St Francis Feast Day Mass 2022

Autumn Term Class Masses

Please join us if you can.

Year 3 - 12th October

Year 4 - 28th September

Year 5 - 19th October

Year 6 - 21st September

Mini Vinnie Mass - September 2022