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Special Education Needs/Disabilities

School Closure Work - Friday 10th January 2025


Again, here are different options depending how confident you are! 

  1. Let's practice counting forwards and backwards all the way to 100!
  2. Counting to 20 and missing numbers 
  3. Watch along with this video and see if you can find the number 5.

Pick your favourite 3 rhyming pairs from below and write a simple sentence about each.

  • Sheep & heap
  • House & mouse
  • Coat & goat
  • Frog & log
  • Socks & fox
  • Bowl & mole

For example: The frog sat on the log. 

Also remember your letter formation, practice writing p, i and n using this video.

Keep on practicing your sounds and blending them together to read words using the resources from Wednesday.

Here are some more stories to share with a cold, snowy theme:

The King Penguin

Pete the Cat Snow Daze

Little Red Gliding Hood

The Snow Thief 

If you need help or want to show off your work, email the senco email address. 

School Closure Work - Thursday 9th January 2025

Yesterday many of you practiced adding together two numbers within 20. Today, practice this again and then challenge yourself to subtract numbers within 20!

Subtracting within 20


If you were counting to 5, can you go on a treasure hunt around your house and find me sets of 5:

  • 5 spoons
  • 5 socks
  • 5 things with buttons
  • 5 blue things
  • 5 things that move 

When we are back together in school, we will be reading a story with lots of rhyming pairs in. Can you think of some words that rhyme with mine below to make a rhyming pair? I can't wait to see what you come up with.

  • Sheep
  • House
  • Coat
  • Frog
  • Socks
  • Bowl

We also need to keep working really hard on forming our letters. Can you try these letters using the video.

s, a and t

Keep on practicing your sounds and blending them together to read words using the resources from yesterday.

Don't forget to share a book - this could be your reading book or just one you have at home. 

These are our favourites we have shared in school this year for you to listen to again. 

How to Catch a Star



If you require any support or are unsure, then do hesitate to contact us on the senco email. 


School Closure Work - Wednesday 8th January 2025

Good morning, 

We hope you have had a lovely Christmas holiday. We are really missing you all. We are sure you have been outside playing in all this snow but here are some activities for you to have a go at. 

Parents and Carers, we have put a selection of lessons as to best get something your child can access. If you are unsure do not hesitate to email the senco email address where we can always signpost you further! senco@fra.bcwcat.co.uk 


Adding up to 20

Counting foward and backwards to 20

Counting to 5



Little Wandle Resources

St Francis Phonic Resources

Phonic Games

Phase 3 Sounds

Tricky Words


Can you tell me all about your Christmas holidays? Write me a few simple sentences to tell me about your favourite present, the most delicious thing you ate, who you enjoyed spending time with or anything else that made your Christmas extra special!

If this is too tricky, focus on who is in your house. Can you write the sounds in their name? Can you write your own name? Focus first of all on that tricky first sound! 

Summary of Provision at St Francis for children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND)

‘Fair isn't everyone getting the same thing. Fair is everyone getting what they need in order to be successful.'

Rick Riordan, author of Percy Jackson novels.

Please note our currrent SENDCo is on maternity leave. Miss Burgess is the interim SENCo for 2024/25

She is more than happy to talk to parents who have any questions or concerns and can be contacted in the same way - senco@fra.bcwcat.co.uk or by ringing the office for an appointment. 

Mrs Crowther - Our School SENCo


What we want for our SEND learners.

At St. Francis, we recognise that all pupils are entitled to a quality of provision that will enable them to achieve their potential. In keeping with our faith, we believe in positive intervention, removing barriers to learning, raising expectations and levels of achievement and working in partnership with other agencies in order to provide a positive educational experience for all our pupils, including those with a special educational need or disability.


How we plan to deliver this for our SEND learners.

The SEND Code of Practice 2015 (CoP) suggests that there is a continuum of SEND and that, where necessary, increasingly specialist expertise should be brought to bear on a child or young person’s difficulties. We therefore work together with the local authority who provide formal procedures, i.e. statutory assessment, and specialist services, which are targeted at those children and young people with the most significant and complex needs. We are guided in our approach by the Bradford Matrix of Need which provides an overview of how children should be supported through a graduated response, as outlined in the CoP.

We are fully compliant with The Children & Families Act (C&FA) 2014, the Equality Act, 2010 and the SEND Code of Practice (CoP), 2015, all of which provide detailed information about the statutory responsibilities schools have in relation to children and young people with SEND.

Our offer at each CoP Stage for each area of SEN is described in the Bradford Matrix of Need document below. Below we also have our SEN Information Report, which we hope will answer your questions. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to phone the office and make an appointment to speak to Miss Burgess, who is our school's interim Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator. 

The SEN policy can be found on our policy page HERE
Bradford Matrix of NeedEY SEN Progress GridSchool Age Progress GridSEND Information Report 2024-25.pdf

The Local Offer 

The Local Offer is a new way of giving children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their parents or carers information about what activities and support is available in the area where you live. 

Bradford Local Offer Website

As well as the Local Offer website offering details of services, there is an alternative format to the website the “Local Offer concertina pocket sized overview booklet" of services as requested by users. These are available directly from Bradford Families Information Service by calling 01274 437503.


Bradford SENDIASS is for parents and carers of children and young people 0-25 with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in the Bradford area – and for their children too. The staff help parents and children to work together with schools and the local authority so that they have a good understanding of what support is needed and to make sure that it is put in place. They can also offer IASS around health and social care needs in relation to SEND.

Opening Hours - Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

Bradford SENDIASS Website

SCIL Team 


1g information letter for parents carers.pdf