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Year 1

The Teacher in Year 1 is Miss Wilczynski
The class are supported by Mrs Capewell and Mrs George.

School Closure Work - Friday 10th January 2025

Good morning everyone,

I hope you are all okay! I've uploaded some more work for you to complete today.


We are still continuing with the same story but today I would like to see you describing the goats. I'm sure you have written some fantastic sentences yesterday and I can't wait to see what you write today!

English Lesson

Please ensure you read lots of books and complete the Phonics games.
If you would like some extra work to complete, please practice your handwriting, focusing on both upper and lower case letters.

Handwriting video 


I've decided to give you two lessons today. One of the lessons focuses on numbers 6-10, but I would really like you to focus on the written numerals. See if you can match the numbers to the written format, and practice writing these throughout the day!

Maths Lesson 1 

The second lesson focuses on 'more than and less than.' I know this can be tricky sometimes but keep trying and see which ones you can do!

Maths Lesson 2

I hope you have a lovely weekend and I hope to see you all on Monday!
Miss Wilczynski

School Closure Work - Thursday 9th January 2025

Good morning everyone!

Due to another school day closure, I have set some more work.

The English work carries on from yesterday, looking at the same story, but this time I would like to see you describe the troll using some amazing adjectives!

English Lesson 
Please make sure you are doing as much reading as possible, I would love to hear about all of the stories you have been reading. I will also be checking your reading records when we get back to school. You can use school website for Phonics lessons too or play some games on Phonics Play

In Maths, please have a look at the shape lesson. We have learnt all about these 3D shapes before our Christmas break, so have a look and see which shapes you can identify.

Maths Lesson

Activity 1

Activity 2
You could also carry on practising your number bonds to 10 and your number formation. Parents, if you could please help your child with some simple addition and subtraction number sentences, that would be amazing!

See you all soon,
Miss Wilczynski

School Closure Work - Wednesday 8th January 2025

Hello Year 1!

I hope you have all had a lovely Christmas and New Year. I know how much you all love talking about the weather so I'm sure you're all aware of the magical snow that has covered our school!

I have picked out some work that I would like you to complete whilst the school is closed today. Alongside this please make sure you are reading your book and practicing spellings!

If you would like some extra work to complete, you could always write sentences about the snow and what you have been doing in the holidays! You could also practice your number and letter formation and lots of counting too!

I hope to see you all very soon, stay safe!
Miss Wilczynski


Lesson: Pairs of numbers that sum to 10

Maths Lesson


Lesson: 'Imagining you are the characters: The three Billy Goats Gruff.'

English Lesson

A reminder that our website also has lots of phonics lessons here

Spring Term in Year 1 2024-25

Take a look at the exciting things we are learning about this term:


spring overview year 1.pdf



Year 1 Long Term Plan 2024-25

website y1 ltp 24 25 docx 2 .pdf


Phonic Screening Information for Parents

Below please find a free parents' guide to the Y1 Phonics Screening Check.

On the phonics page - Miss Breen has provided lots of resources to support parents at home.

For games and activities:



Samples of the Phonic screening can also be found below