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Year 4

The Teacher in Year 4 is Miss Oldfield

The class are supported by Mrs. Ward

School Closure Work - Friday 10th January 2025

Good morning Y4,

I hope you are all ok and keeping safe in this icy weather. What a week! Another day of home learning awaits you below.

For maths, I would like you to think about which strategies are effective when adding and subtracting 4-digit numbers. I've also put some links for some times table work. We will be starting our 6s when we return to school so now would be a good opportunity to begin practising. The link for the MTC practise test is also there. See if you can beat yesterday's score.

Maths Lesson

Times Table Work

MTC practice

In English, please practise your speech punctuation. Many of you are very good at this, but ... you often forget the extra punctuation you need aside from inverted commas! Have another look at this today and try and perfect your punctuation.

English Lesson

Once again, please keep reading. I'm going to book the chromebooks so we can all quiz when we return to school.

Keep yourselves safe and hopefully I will see you on Monday.

Miss Oldfield 🙂

School Closure Work - Thursday 9th January 2025

Good morning again Y4,

Sadly, another cold day we can't be in school! I hope you got on well with the work set yesterday. Once again, I have put some links below for some work for you to have a go at today. There is some column subtraction for maths and further work on fronted adverbials for English. Reading will be the same as yesterday - read, read, read that accelerated reader book! There is an MTC practice too - see what the highest score is you can get and share it with me either back in school or on Google Classroom. 

Have a lovely (warm) day at home and hopefully I will see you tomorrow,

Miss Oldfield


Lesson: Use column subtraction, including regrouping from the hundreds to tens.

Maths Lesson

Extra Times Table work 

MTC practice


Lesson: Use and recognise the difference between a fronted adverbial phrase and a fronted adverbial clause.

English Lesson

School Closure Work - Wednesday 8th January 2025

Good morning Year 4!

I hope you've all had a lovely break and have enjoyed the snow days.

Here is some work for you to complete today. We've already had a go at some of these things in class, so it should be a nice refresher after the Christmas holidays. Please give it your best effort, I'm sure you'll do a great job.

Just to remind you, you should still be reading your accelerated reading book. I'm hoping to have lots if people ready to quiz when we finally get to return to school! We will also be checking reading records to see what you've been up to.

See you soon,

Miss Oldfield


Lesson - Column Addition with Regrouping

Maths Lesson

Extra times table work 


Lesson - Recognising and punctuating a fronted adverbial of time, place or manner.

English Lesson

Spring Term in Year 4:

Below are all the exciting things Year 4 are learning about this term.

y4 spring overview 2025.pdf


Year 4 Long Term Plan 2024-25

website y4 ltp 24 25.pdf